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  • 泰明可(氯雷他定片)
  • 泰明可(氯雷他定片)

泰明可(氯雷他定片) OTC甲类 医保乙类

  • 药品名称:泰明可(氯雷他定片)
  • 批准文号:国药准字H20051125
  • 生产企业:山东良福制药有限公司
  • 功能主治:过敏性鼻炎,慢性荨麻疹,荨麻疹,过敏性皮炎,皮肤瘙痒症  详情>>
  • 不良反应:1?在每天10毫克的推荐剂量下.本品未见明显的镇静作用.其发...
  • 用法用量:口服。 1.成人及12岁以上儿童:一日1次,一次1片(10毫...
  • 相关疾病:过敏性鼻炎,慢性荨麻疹,荨麻疹,过敏性皮炎,皮肤瘙痒症
药品概述 网友评论 药店购买 说明书 作用与功效 怎么吃 副作用 相关文章 热门问答


  • 新康泰克感冒药说明书说的是12岁以上成人2017-02-03 10:01:05


  • 泰诺感冒药的说明书 英文的2017-01-19 20:01:54

    病情分析:Drugs name general name: Phenol hemp US sensitive suspension trade name: Tainuo   Drugs information [character]This is the red suspension body. [pharmacological action]This compound prescription by to the acetyl amino-phenol, the hydrochloric acid pseudoephedrin, the hydrobromic acid right beautiful sabina and maleic acid chlorobenzene that is composed sensitively. To allay a fever the analgesic to the second party acid radical amino-phenol, the action mechanism mainly to suppress the prostaglandin synthesis; The hydrochloric acid pseudoephedrin to plan the adrenalin medicine, may contract the nose mucous membrane blood vessel, reduces the stuffy nose, the class tears symptom; The hydrobromic acid right beautiful sabina is the antitussive, through suppresses the medulla oblongata cough main center to have the function; The maleic acid chlorobenzene that sensitive is the antihistamine, may eliminate or reduce cold to burst into tears, the sneeze and the class tears symptom. [medicine generation of dynamics]To acetyl amino-phenol oral administration absorption fast and completely, in the clothing latter 30 minutes produces brings down a fever the analgetic function, 2~3 hours reach the most high efficiency, bring down a fever the function to be possible to maintain for 4 hours, in the liver metabolism, the half-life 2~4 hours, 60% by the glycuronic acid union, 30% discharge by the sulfate union shape type from the urine, are smaller than 4% medicines discharge in vitro by the primary form. Maleic acid chlorobenzene that sensitive, the hydrobromic acid right beautiful sabina and the hydrochloric acid pseudoephedrin has the good absorption in the gastro-intestinal tract, the majority after the liver metabolism discharges from the urine. [adaptation card]This uses in the young child, may reduce the ordinary cold or the flu causes gives off heat, the headache, the four limbs to be sore, symptoms and so on sneeze, class tears, stuffy nose, cough, pharynx and larynx. [usage amount used]Oral administration: below 2 years old the young child should obey the doctor's advice, below 12 years old the child amount used sees the next table:   age (year old) body weight (kilogram) amount used (milliliter. Time) number of times 2-3 12-14 2.5-3.5, if the symptom does not alleviate, may be separated 4-6 the hour repeatedly to apply drugs one time, 24 hour does not surpass 4 time 4-6 16-20 4-5.5 7-9 22-26 6 10-12 28-32 8 [untoward effect]1st, occasionally has is addicted to mildly rests, the multi-perspirations, dizzy, the asthenia, disgusting, on the abdomen to be ill, the mouth does and has a poor appetite, the skin rash and so on, to be possible to restore voluntarily. 2nd, possibly causes is addicted to rests. 3rd, possibly causes excitedly, is to specially the child. [taboo]This allergy and allays a fever the analgesic allergy taboo to other to use.   [matters needing attention]1st, takes medicine for 3 days later continues to give off heat, please consult doctor. 2nd, has hypertension, diabetes, the energetic depression, heart disease, the armor high sickness, glaucoma, asthma patient as well as sensitive is not suitable to the ephedrine pharmacological action takes this. 3rd, is accompanied by the multi-phlegm the cough, causes the chronic cough by asthma before to using this please do consult doctor. 4th, like appears the new symptom or has the hyperemia, swelling when please do stop using and consulting doctor. 5th, do not including also take with other to the acetyl amino-phenol medicine. 6th, the drugs character has when the change forbids to take. 7th, the liver, kidney function entire does not use cautiously. 8th, the child must use under adult's guardianship. 9th, please place this drugs the place which the child cannot contact. [interaction]1st, allays a fever the analgesic with other with to use, may increase the kidney toxic danger. 2nd, is taking the single ammonia oxidation enzyme inhibitor (to use in depression and so on mental illness, either Parkinson sickness), either in stops in the medicine latter two weeks, please do not use this, if cannot determine the baby takes whether in the medicine to include the single ammonia oxidation enzyme inhibitor, before taking this, please do consult doctor. 3rd, this not suitably with the chloromycetin, the Barbitone kind, or the spasmolytic, the phentolamine, the ocean yellow glucoside class and uses. 4th, like is taking other drugs, before using this, please do consult to doctor or the pharmacist.   [pregnant woman and breast-feeding period woman applies drugs]Before the pregnant woman and the nursing woman takes this, please do consult to doctor. [child applies drugs]below 2 years old the young child should obey the doctor's advice. [old person applies drugs]below 2 years old the young child should obey the doctor's advice. [medicine excessive]When takes medicine excessive or has the serious untoward effect, please namely do go to the hospital to go see a doctor. Excessive will take will further not reduce the condition, instead will cause the health damage.   Dosage-form] [packing]Polyolefine plastic bottled, each bottle of 100ml. [stores]Shade, airtight preservation. [term of validity]Establishes provisionally for 18 months. [authorized document number] country medicine accurate character H20041694 [Production enterprise] Shanghai Johnson manufactures drugs Limited company

  • 泰胃美说明书2016-07-29 19:12:37


  • 你好,双唑泰凝胶怎么用啊,说明书上说把2016-07-23 16:10:33


  • 我用了三天的双唑泰泡腾片明显好转,可是2016-07-16 17:01:09


  • 吃了泰诺手脚起红疹无大碍吧泰诺说明2016-05-06 17:14:43


  • 贴了肛泰肚子很胀,有点微痛不是很明显2016-04-08 21:57:27


  • 泰州治疗白癜风效果最明显的方法..2011-04-21 15:35:03




  • 在泰国被不明小虫叮咬,无特殊感觉。两月来,不断有渗出,创面扩大,有时痒,有时灼痛。曾使用百多邦、紫药水治疗,无效。求诊治。2010-01-15 23:35:14

  • 泰诺和苯海拉明簿荷脑糖浆能一起服用吗?2010-04-14 05:28:23

    病情分析:  小儿感冒如何辨别,小儿感冒有何治疗秘方,小儿感冒颗粒有哪些,小儿感冒药有哪些,小儿感冒冲剂效果好吗,小儿感冒咳嗽怎么办,什么是小儿病毒性感冒,什么是小儿风寒感冒,儿童感冒咳嗽怎么办,如何治疗小儿感冒,治疗小儿感冒的偏方,什么是小儿伤风,久久健康网治疗小儿感冒的专业频道http://jb.9939.com/dis/140626/将为您呈现最精彩的解答,让您全面了解治疗小儿感冒的全科知识,也祝您的宝宝早日恢复健康。

  • 请问泰诺和苯海拉明簿荷脑糖浆能一起服用吗?2010-04-14 23:13:35

    病情分析:  小儿感冒如何辨别,小儿感冒有何治疗秘方,小儿感冒颗粒有哪些,小儿感冒药有哪些,小儿感冒冲剂效果好吗,小儿感冒咳嗽怎么办,什么是小儿病毒性感冒,什么是小儿风寒感冒,儿童感冒咳嗽怎么办,如何治疗小儿感冒,治疗小儿感冒的偏方,什么是小儿伤风,久久健康网治疗小儿感冒的专业频道http://jb.9939.com/dis/140626/将为您呈现最精彩的解答,让您全面了解治疗小儿感冒的全科知识,也祝您的宝宝早日恢复健康。


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